資格考試辦理程序 :
Procedures for Qualifying Examination:
1. 考試七日請前提供口試資訊(時間、地點、中英文題目、口試委員名單,請於學程網頁【相關表單】下載【資格考口試資訊通知書】)及論文計畫書(紙本或電子檔均可)一份交至學程辦公室,經學程主任同意後,由辦公室進行公告。
The student must provide qualifying examination related information (e.g., time, location, title of the dissertation both in Mandarin Chinese and in English, a name list of committee members. The student can download the Qualifying Examination Related Information Form from the “Form” listed on the IPhD Office webpage. ), submit the proposal(electronic or paper file) to the IPhD Office seven days prior to the qualifying examination. The IPhD Office will announce the related information to the public.
Students enrolled from the 110th academic year (student ID starting with 110) must submit the qualifying proposal to IPhD office no later than 4 weeks before the qualifying exam. The dean of IPhD and 2 NTHU full-time professors serve as the committee to review the qualifying proposal. There should be at least 3 committee members in the committee. The preliminary review can be held in written or oral. Student may take the qualifying oral exam after passing the preliminary review.
2. 請於學程網頁【相關表單】下載【資格考審核表】,以電腦打字填寫姓名、學號、組別、論文中英文題目、指導教授等資訊,列印後提供校內外委員每人各一份。
The student should download the Program Qualifying Exam form from the “Form” listed on the IPhD Office webpage. Fill out the “Program Qualifying Exam Form”, type his/her name, student ID number, section, the title of his/her dissertation both in Mandarin Chinese and in English, and the student’s advisor’s name on the form. Print out the form and provide the form to each committee member.
3. 審查委員分別填寫審核表,並請標示審查結果(通過、不通過)以及建議。正本請繳回辦公室。
Each of the dissertation committee member should fill out the evaluation form, provide the student with evaluation results(e.g., pass or fail) and suggestions. The student should collect all of the evaluation forms and bring them to the IPhD Office.
4. 校外委員可補助審查費及車馬費(大眾運輸工具票根),請向學程助理領取領據及審查費現金。
Dissertation Committee members from off-campus may get reimbursements for their evaluation and traffic (with mass transportation ticket stubs). Please ask the IPhD Office staff for more information regarding the Receipt Form and reimbursements.
5. 口試完成後七日內請將資格考審核表、領據繳回至學程辦公室。
After completing the qualifying examination, the student must submit the Program Qualifying Exam Forms and receipts to the IPhD Office within seven days.