

2023 Fall

NTHU iPhD Program Intensive Course

透過服務學習做出改變     Making A Difference through Service-Learning

Instructor: Miranda Lin (Illinois State University)



Venue: Room 205, B side, General Building II

Credit: 1

Course Number: IPHD5001

Course Description:

Service-learning is a form of experiential education that supports deep learning. Through your service-learning activity, you apply classroom knowledge to enhance your understanding of class materials in real-life settings. This one-credit course is designed to help students examine the social, cultural, and political conditions that influence college campus life. The course will provide students with opportunities to critically discuss personal beliefs and identify how their views may affect their perceptions of the world and their daily activities. This course will also help students be aware of the issues National Tsing Hua University students face and figure out

the means to resolve the problems.

This course id offered in English, please select it in academic system directly.

More information: http://iphd.web.nthu.edu.tw

Contact: yy_lin@mx.nthu.edu.tw, Ms. Lin, Ext. 35065


