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2025 Spring NTHU iPhD Program Intensive Course: Social History of Educational System and Teachers in Japan (Course Number: 11320IPHD500200)

2025 Spring NTHU iPhD Program Intensive Course
日本教育制度與社會史 Social History of Educational System and Teachers in Japan

Professor YAMADA, Hiroyuki (Hiroshima University, Japan)

Course Date:
May 17 (SAT) 13:00-17:00
May 18 (SUN) 13:00-17:00
May 23 (SAT) 13:00-17:00
May 24 (SUN) 13:00-17:00

Venue: Room 205, B side, General Building II

Credit: 1

Course Number: 11320IPHD500200

Course Description:
This course offers an in-depth explora􀆟on of the social history of Japan's educa􀆟onal system, with a focus on the development, challenges, and transforma􀆟on of secondary school teachers. By examining the dynamics between academism and professionalism, academic creden􀆟alism, and the evolving role of teachers, students will gain insights into the historical and social factors shaping Japan's educa􀆟on system. The course also addresses current challenges, such as marke􀆟za􀆟on, teacher burnout, and the impact of technology, while reflec􀆟ng on future prospects.

This course id offered in English, please select it in academic system directly.

Contact: iphd@my.nthu.edu.tw, Ms. Ho, Ext. 35065

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